1300 247 PIP (747) info@piphealthcare.com.au

List of external agencies and regulators

across Western Australia

The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office

This agency operates independently and impartially. Should you be unable to resolve your complaint directly with the service provider, you have the option to reach out to HaDSCO. They are available to discuss your concerns and provide information about their confidential and complimentary complaints resolution services.

Website: https://www.health.wa.gov.au/

Phone: 08 6551 7600

Toll-free: 1800 813 583

Email: mail@hadsco.wa.gov.au

Address: Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000

Write to: PO Box B61, Perth WA 6838

WA Ombudsman

The Ombudsman handles complaints concerning various Western Australian public entities, including State Government departments, agencies, and boards. This encompasses government services such as hospitals, prisons, schools, and technical colleges, as well as public universities and local governments.

Website: https://www.ombudsman.wa.gov.au/

Phone: 08 9220 7555

Toll-free: 1800 117 000

Email: mail@ombudsman.wa.gov.au

Address: L2, Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000 Directions

Write to: Ombudsman Western Australia, PO Box Z5386, St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6831

Equal Opportunity Commission

The EOC offers a platform for individuals to address claims of unlawful discrimination. Since the inception of the Equal Opportunity Act in 1985, the Equal Opportunity Commission has fielded over 131,700 inquiries and managed close to 12,000 complaints.

Website: https://www.eoc.wa.gov.au/

Phone: 08 9216 3900

Toll-free: 1800 198 149

Email: eoc@eoc.wa.gov.au

Address: L2, Westralia Square, 141 St George Tce, Perth WA 6000

Write to: PO Box 7370, Cloisters Square, Perth WA 6850

Mental Health Tribunal

The Mental Health Tribunal serves as an autonomous decision-making entity created under the Mental Health Act 2014 (WA) with the primary objective of safeguarding the rights of involuntary patients in Western Australia.

Website: https://www.mht.wa.gov.au/

Phone: 08 6145 3900

Email: registry@mht.wa.gov.au

Write to: Mental Health Tribunal, PO Box Z5272, Perth St Georges Tce WA 6831

Western Australia Association for Mental Health

The EOC offers a platform for individuals to address claims of unlawful discrimination. Since the inception of the Equal Opportunity Act in 1985, the Equal Opportunity Commission has fielded over 131,700 inquiries and managed close to 12,000 complaints.

Website: https://www.waamh.org.au/

Phone: 08 6553 0060

Email: reception@waamh.org.au

Address: City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St, West Perth WA 6005

Chief Psychiatrist Western Australia

Dr Nathan Gibson

Website: https://www.chiefpsychiatrist.wa.gov.au/

Phone: 08 6553 0000

Email: Reception@ocp.wa.gov.au

Write to: GPO Box A5, Perth Business Hub WA 6849

WA Mental Health Advocates and Consumers Agency

Mr Prescott Harper

Website: https://www.ourcommunity.com.au/

Phone: 0404 101 720

Email: wamhaca@optusnet.com.au

Write to: PO Box 33, Kelmscott WA 6111

Helping Minds (Carer Advocates)

Website: https://www.helpingminds.org.au/

Phone: 08 9427 7100

Address: Carer Centre, 182-188 Lord St, Perth WA 6000

Mental Health Law Centre

Website: https://www.mhlcwa.org.au/

Phone: 08 9328 8266

Email: office@mhlcwa.org.au

Address: 96-98 Parry St, Perth WA 6000

Office of the Public Advocate

Website: https://www.justice.wa.gov.au/

Phone: 08 9278 7300

Toll-free: 1300 858 455

Address: L1, 30 Terrace Rd, East Perth WA 6004

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